Weird Bibliography
Welcome to our weird bibliography. Below you will find a list of articles and videos we used to create The Weird Animal Hour.
The animals appear in the order that they do within the book, so if you have your copy in hand, you can even research and learn more about each animal as you read.
VIEWER ADVISORY: Please note that not every resource is suitable for younger readers. Both mythology and the world of wildlife conservation can veer into subject matter that may be too advanced or scary for younger children. Videos that may be of concern are labeled PG-13, so parents can preview the content before sharing it.
(pg. 1)
(pg. 9)
American BUmblee + Cyclops
(pg. 11)
Monarch Butterfly + Dragon
(pg. 13)
(pg. 15)
Dixie Valley Toad + Elemental
(pg. 17)
Greater Monkey-faced Bat + Kelpie
(pg. 19)
Jaguar + Harpy
(pg. 21)
(pg. 23)
GIant Salamander + Harpy
Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth + Mermaid
(pg. 25)
Tiger + Mermaid
(pg. 27)
(pg. 29)
Ring-Taled Lemur + Kraken
(pg. 31)
Animal Fact Files, "Ring-tailed Lemur Facts: the Sun Worshipper." (YouTube video)
Nat Geo Wild, "For Ring Tailed Lemurs, the Ladies Rules | Wild Love." (YouTube video.)
World Wildlife Fund, "31% of Lemur Species are Critically Endangered." (Website)
World Wildlife Fund, "Madagascar: Land of the Lemurs." (Website)
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna + Scylla
(pg. 33)
Narwhal + Charybdis
(pg. 35)
WHALE Shark + Ahuizotl
(pg. 37)
Axolotl + Baba Yaga
(pg. 39)
Blobfish + Cyborg
(pg. 41)
Animal Fact Files, "Blobfish Facts: They're NOT the UGLIEST Animals." (YouTube video)
BBC Science Focus, "Blobfish: Facts about the world's ugliest animal." (Website)
Insider Science, "What's Inside a Blobfish? | What's Inside? | Science Insider." (YouTube video)
Minute Earth, "Should We Let Pandas Go Extinct?" (YouTube video)
Storied, "Are Cyborgs Really Monsters?," PBS. (YouTube video)
Vaquita + Hippocampus
(pg. 43)
Ornate Eagle Ray + Centaur
(pg. 45)
Bottlenose Dolphin + Big Foot
(pg. 47)
Great White + Sleipnir
(pg. 49)
Great Hammerhead + Kappa
(pg. 51)
Green Turtle + Scorpion Man
(pg. 53)
Tortoise + Sphinx
(pg. 55)
Macaw + Ammit
(pg. 57)
American Bison + Anubis
(pg. 59)
East African Oryx + Minotaur
(pg. 61)
Black Rhino + Wyrm
(pg. 63)
Ben G Thomas, "The Story of the Legendary Lake Wyrm From Iceland | Lagarfljót Wyrm." (YouTube video)
Icelandic Roots, "The Lake Monster at Lagarfljót - Do You Believe?" (Website)
Nat Geo Wild, "Protecting the Black Rhinos | Mission Critical." (YouTube video)
National Geographic, "Saving the Black Rhino." (YouTube video)
Mountain Gorilla + Basilisk
(pg. 65)
Chimpanzee + Fairy
(pg. 67)
Pygmy Hippo + Unicorn
(pg. 69)
African Painted Dog + Dullahan
(pg. 71)
Komodo Dragon + Barometz
(pg. 73)
Cheetah + Mandrake
(pg. 75)
clouded leopard + cockatrice
(pg. 77)
Orangutan + Loch Ness Monster
(pg. 79)
African Forest Elephant + griffin
(pg. 81)
Tooth-billed pigeon + Pegasus
(pg. 83)
Numbat + Kirin
(pg. 85)
Tree Kangaroo + Alien
(pg. 87)
Kakapo + Jackalope
(pg. 89)
BBC, "Shagged by a rare parrot | Last Chance to See - BBC," (YouTube video) *Viewer advisory: PG-13.
Department of Conservation, "Kakapo Recovery Program." (Website)
Discovery UK, "The Strangest Parrot in the World | Modern Dinosaurs." (YouTube video)
Omni Viewer, "The Truth About Jackalopes (A Cryptozoology Report." (YouTube video)
Smithsonian, "The world's scariest rabbit lurks in the Smithsonian's collection." (Website)
Black-footed Ferret + Manananggal
(pg. 91)
Sea Otter + Chupacabra
(pg. 93)
Harlequin Frog + yara-ma-yha-who
(pg. 95)
Gharial + Mari Lwyd
(pg. 97)
Tamaraw + Gorgon
(pg. 99)
Marine iguana + Cerberus
(pg. 101)
Grizzly bear + hydra
(pg. 103)
polar bear + Werewolf
(pg. 105)
Animalogic, "Polar Bear: The Ultimate Apex Predator." (YouTube video)
Animalogic, "Polar Bear: King of the North." (YouTube video)
Nat Geo Kids, "Polar Bears and How to Save Them | Mission Animal Rescue." (YouTube video)
Polar Guidebook, "12 Polar Bear Facts That Will Blow Your Mind." (YouTube video)
Red panda + werewolf
(pg. 107)
Giant Panda + A-Senee-ki-wakw
(pg. 109)
Animalogic, "Pandas Are Worse at Sex Than You." (YouTube video) *Viewer advisory: Discusses panda sexual reproduction.
PBS Eons, "The Fuzzy Origins of the Giant Panda." (YouTube video)
Real Wild, "The Land Of The Pandas (Panda Documentary)." (Youtube video)
SciShow, "Why Are Giant Pandas So Hard to Save?" (YouTube video)
Aye-Aye + Chinese DrAgon
(pg. 111)
California Condor + Dragon
(pg. 113)
Mountain Plover + Salamander
(pg. 115)
Giant PAngolin + Hellhound
(pg. 117)
Galápagos PEnguin + Yeti
(pg. 119)
Red Wolf + Bunyip
(pg. 121)
Spider Monkey + Mothman
(pg. 123)
Steller Sea Lion + Jersey Devil
(pg. 125)
Pronghorn + Ghoul
(pg. 127)
Arctic Fox + Phoenix
(pg. 129)
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